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The Key to Beat Burnout and Constantly Feeling Exhausted

Beating burnout can feel impossible – or that it requires superhuman powers.

It doesn’t. But it does require thinking about burnout in an entirely different way.

For one, feeling burned out, or like you’re just NOT juggling anything well, doesn’t mean you’re a failure (at being a mom, wife, partner, colleague, general homo sapiens…)…

It means you’re living in Burnout Mode – and here’s how to take back your attention, time, and energy. 

Good news – you do NOT have to live in burnout mode anymore. 

And no, the solution isn’t just to “take a nap”….nor to become a superhero (which, btw, we’re already convinced that you are). The solutions from our study are far more simple – and effective

Lesson #1: Seeing burnout NOT AS A PERSONAL FAILING, BUT as a sign

Burnout Mode happens when we allow the world around us to dictate where we spend our time, energy, and attention. The world around us is happy to suck these up! So, the pings, the headlines, the requests — dominate. And we just react by trying to handle it ALL, no questions asked. We try to juggle even more, like some crazy 1950s circus act, and then criticize ourselves for not succeeding – instead of ever asking ourselves if every single one of these items actually MATTER.

Burnout is your body’s red flag and WHOA NELLY to you (because you’ve ignored the more subtle signs). It’s actually a good thing, because you’d otherwise just keep trying to push forward. (I get it. I would, too).

Better starts with looking at everything you’re doing and figuring out what’s on the list because YOU deem it important – and what’s there because someone / something else did

THIS WEEK’S TIP: Recognize Burnout not as a personal failing at juggling your tasks, but that you’re letting the world around you decide what those tasks are.    

We’ll talk in future posts about how to do that – get READY for some excitement!

Watch the video below for more details. 

All my best,

P.S. Want to know if you’re in Burnout Mode? Click here for our checklist.

P.P.S. Watch your inbox for weekly solutions based directly on the results of this study. We’re here to help you – so feel free to reply to these emails or click HERE to submit questions, or signup for the TrueveLab Insider here, if you’re not already on-board!

Thank you to our AMAZING Burnout Study in Women sponsors, Luna Bar Co, Good Housekeeping, and Computers4Kidz!  

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